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In order to comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on information society services and electronic commerce, the details of this Web site are indicated.

Headliner: Barciaecus Gold Bat Association

Address: San Nicolás Neighborhood w/n – 33873 Navelgas (Tineo) Asturias

NIF: G 33523044

You can contact us by e-mail:


The purpose of the Web site is to inform about national and international championships, events and athletes related to the sport of gold batting with the aim of being a reference Web of this sport worldwide. The user will be kept informed of tournament dates, official results and any relevant news. All information is collected directly from the athletes, federations or sports clubs. The Web site seeks quality, current, always being responsible and complying with intellectual property rights and Data Protection.


The use of the Web site by a third party confers the condition of User and implies full acceptance by said User of each and every one of the conditions included in this Legal Notice.

The User undertakes to use the Web, the contents in accordance with applicable legislation, good customs and public order. Likewise, the User undertakes not to use the Website for purposes or effects that are illicit or contrary to the contents of this Legal Notice, harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable the Website or prevent normal use of the Website by other Users. The User agrees not to introduce programs, viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls or any other logical device or sequence of characters that cause or are likely to cause any type of alteration in the computer systems of the owner of the Web as well as the saturation of the same.

The use of the information contained in the Web is the sole responsibility of the user, not being the owner of Barciaecus responsible for any errors or omissions that may exist as well as the specific use that may be made of the information and photos, images or videos contained on the Web.

The content of the Web site corresponding to texts, Web design and any other information is property of Barciaecus. In the case of publishing photos of third parties with copyrights, the corresponding authorization must be obtained. All third party news will be referenced. Barciaecus is exonerated from any use of such photos without prior authorization from Barciaecus.

Barciaecus is not responsible for links to other sites or Web pages that may be included in the same, since it has no control over them or any relationship with them. The user accesses them under his own responsibility.

It is also forbidden to use iframes that allow embedding any Barciaecus information in another website.

The user is warned that the purpose of all information appearing on the Web is to advertise sporting events and that any downloading and subsequent use of the same shall be the responsibility of the user. Barciaecus is exonerated from any liability for infringement of intellectual property rights and data protection or any other regulations.


No personal data is required to browse the Web site, therefore no identification is required from the user.

In the case of making a query, in order to maintain contact with you and answer your data will be included in a file duly declared in the Spanish Agency for Data Protection and whose purpose is to answer your queries. At any time, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting Asociación de Bateadores de Oro “Barciaecus” - Barrio San Nicolás s/n 33873 - Navelgas (Tineo) Asturias.

The owner of the Web undertakes to comply with its obligation of secrecy of personal data and its duty to keep them confidential and take the necessary measures to prevent alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account at all times the state of technology.


A statistical control of navigation is performed and therefore the statistics service provider uses cookies (small data files that are generated in the user's computer and allow us to obtain the information described below) but completely anonymously and in order to establish the traffic of visits and geographical origin. The information collected refers to the type of browser, operating system, time of visit, external link of origin, country and city, internet provider. You can always change the settings in browser bar/tools/internet options/privacy/advanced tab and default tab.


The User undertakes to use the Website, its contents and services in accordance with the Law, this Legal Notice, good customs and public order. Likewise, the User undertakes not to use the Website for purposes or effects that are illicit or contrary to the contents of this Legal Notice, harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable or impair the Website, or prevent normal use of the Website by other Users. The User agrees not to introduce programs, viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls or any other logical device or sequence of characters that cause or are likely to cause any type of alteration in the computer systems of the owner of the Web as well as the saturation of the same.


In the case of making comments, we inform you that your name, surname and e-mail address will be registered in a database, in order to manage the interventions. All comments will be filtered before being published. We inform you that we cannot accept comments that are offensive in themselves or clearly offensive to other users. We ask, therefore, that you avoid any insulting, offensive or obscene language, out of respect for other users of the site and for the fundamental principles that we all share (no racism, no xenophobia or violence, no discrimination on religious, ethnic, origin, sex ...) We respect all opinions but above all we seek a dynamic, participatory website and a center for exchange of views of lovers of the golden bat. We ask parents to surf the Internet with their children, thus preventing them from sending comments that could have legal consequences for breaching ethical and legal standards.


The Web site may include advertising content or have sponsored sections. Advertisers and / or sponsors are solely responsible for the material inserted in the Web site for advertising complies with the laws that in each case may be applicable. The owner of the Web will not be responsible for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that may contain advertising content or sponsors. To lodge any claim related to the advertising Contents inserted in this Web site you can contact the following e-mail address:


In the case of providing images for publication where more than one athlete or third parties appear, the consent of all is required for publication on the Web. The user who provides the images for this purpose is responsible for having obtained the express consent of all persons appearing. In this sense the owner of the Web is exonerated from any claim to that effect.

In the case of images of a minor under 14 years of age, they will only be published if a parent or guardian has consented to their publication. For this purpose, photos directly provided by a minor will not be accepted.


The User guarantees that the information, material, contents or observations that are not his own personal data and that are facilitated to the holder of the Web, do not infringe the rights of intellectual or industrial property of third parties, nor any other legal disposition. The information, materials, contents or observations that the User facilitates to the holder of the, will be considered not confidential, reserving the holder of the Web the right to use them of the form that considers more suitable.


The owner of the Web reserves the right to modify, develop or update at any time and without previous notification, the conditions of use of the present Web. The User will be automatically bound by the conditions of use that are in force at the time you access the Web, so you should periodically read these conditions of use.
